You will find an offering big or small, a present or an all around plan to support you or one of your loved ones
Birth 1x1 the basics * Value 2500$
- 4 x 1.5 hours personal meetup time and emotional support during pregnancy
- learn how to use massage and acupressure points, optimal maternal positioning (OMP) techniques and beneficial birth positions
- birth planning to prepare yourself for the day.
- access to my library and never-ending source of free podcasts and online resources.
- Unlimited emails and texts
- my compassionate coaching abilities
- Being on call to attend your birth from 38 – 42 weeks with backup if necessary.
- One postpartum meetup of 1.5 hours to debrief your birthing experience.
- The use of my birthing equipment (birthpool setup, birthing sling, homeopathic remedy kit, tense machine) purchase your own liner for the pool
Postpartum support * Value 2000$
- 18 hours of postpartum care in your own home, appointments sheduled in your own time
- physical and emotional support after birth
- breastfeeding advice
- cooking of nourishing meals in your kitchen with supplied ingredients
- use of homeopathic after birth kit
- supportive childminding to give mumma a break
- minor house cleaning jobe so keep on top of things
Pregnancy Deluxe * value 2900$
- monthly pregnancy massage from 14 weeks of pregnancy
- emotional support during pregnancy
- application of accupressure points and OMP when needed
- learn how to use beneficial birthing positions
- birth planning to prepare yourself for the day
- access to my library and never-ending source of podcasts and online recources
- unlimited emails and texts
- birth coaching and mental support
- On call from 38 weeks
- One postpartum meetup and debrief of your birth experience
- The use of my birthing equipment (birthpool setup, birthing sling, homeopathic remedy kit, tense machine) purchase your own liner for the pool
little pregnancy present pack * Value 250$
- pregnancy massage
- 1.5hours of pregnancy and birth planning
- birthing place options
- little give away for pregnancy and birth
little Postpartum present pack * Value 250$
- 3 hours of postpartum support
- breastfeeding advice
- mental and emotional support
- little give away for birth and postpartum